Properly connected to the interface: hydraulic ferrule fittings hose and fittings to be installed properly to ensure that no twisting or torque transmitted to the hose.
External damage: ensure correct installation also includes a hose from tension, lateral pressure, twisted, compressed, may be subject to wear and tear, to avoid thread damage sealing surface damage.
System test: must exclude all installed after the air pressure to the system maximum working pressure, system operation correctly and functioning properly, no leakage at each connection. When the trial staff must stay away from the danger zone.
Finally, the hose fittings, and maintenance instructions. In addition to the proper selection and installation without the ongoing maintenance of the hose life will be significantly reduced.
Corrugated metal hose Metal hose is an important engineering technology connecting member by corrugated flexible tube, a combination of nets and Hydraulic Hose Fittings. In a variety of gas, fluid piping systems as well as length, temperature, position and angle compensation systems as compensation components, sealing elements, connecting elements and a damping element, used in aerospace.